Saturday, October 15, 2011


It's so beautiful at Messiah today! Sunny, windy, cool, bright blue sky with puffy white clouds... I love it!

--> a view from my floor lounge to try to show the niceness of the day, haha

Next weekend is fall break, and we'll be going to visit Anna in Kentucky! Woo!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm Awesome Like That

My computer screen had been dying a slow death since about July. It flickered and faded, unless you held it at just the right angle. Which often changed. In the middle of watching Office Space, no less (which turned out to be a pretty lame movie, once I finally went to a friends room to watch it on her tv). And then it finally just stopped working. So I took it to the school helpdesk, they told me it needed a new screen, but they really only deal with software issues.

I ordered a new screen on eBay, waited lots of days for my mandatory $15.99 expedited package to finally get here, and then decided I was going to fix it myself instead of begging the helpdesk people to help me since after all, they really only deal with software issues.

So I looked it up online, read a handful of different guides to make sure they were in agreement, and then attacked it with a variety of screwdrivers, pocketknives, and hairclips (yes, hairclips). Fourteen tiny screws, several frantic "please tell me you have a miniature screwdriver!" calls, and only one tiny broken computer case part later, I had it done! I was just finishing up the last of it while I was working at the dorm's lobby desk, and the maintenance guy who had just come in was pretty impressed. He had apparently just fixed a similar issue on his own computer, but he was a man, so it wasn't impressive. But my girl skills were. Then he and I and the girl who was signing out for the night had a conversation about dads changing oil in cars.

Finally, after countless hours spent in the computer lab (my record was five consecutive hours, eight total for the day), I can relax on the computer in my own room! It's amazing, let me tell you. Because I am amazing. The end.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Flannel: Yes.

The fall weather isn't actually very chilly here, but I thought I'd pretend it was.

jacket/shirt/boots from target
jeans from kohl's

I'm clearly pretty cool, with these blogger-esque pictures. Right?
In other news, today is my half birthday.

Fall Times are Serious Times

Chilly fall weather requires handmade hats and flannel.

That's me in my narcissism mirror wearing said items

Hat made by my old roommate Leah
Flannel shirt from Goodwill

Friday, October 22, 2010

And we're the worst

We're the worst because we never post anything. Because we are lame. Because we don't do anything interesting, except for sit around and IM each other about how we wish we were cool and fashionable and interesting. But we have nice hair, at least. So we hear.

Monday, October 4, 2010

We're the best

Katy and Anna rock this world like nobody's business. But it is your business now. Fools.